Incognito Wear IX is the pioneer in changing how women carry a concealed weapon discreetly.
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Author: Janw1021

How do women dress around a firearm?

Incognito Wear IX understands the anxiety of beginning to concealed carry and thus, a business was born to help you become successful in being a lady and armed for self defense. Check out the 1st Annual Gun Owners of America G.O.A.L.S. convention tour of Incognito...

Weekend Getaway Road Trips and Staying Cool

School may be back in session but that doesn't mean Summer's over! Many people are still taking to the streets for weekend getaways. The weather is nicer, the trees and vegetation are ripe and well, why not getaway for the weekend? So how to pack your cool...

Declaration of Independence

Celebrating our Independence

The brief list of grievances that brought about our freedoms (Sounds like the present time, doesn't it?). obstructed the Administration of Justice, made Judges dependent on his Will alone, erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our...

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