“Give me Liberty or give me death.” – Patrick Henry.

“Give me Liberty or give me death.” – Patrick Henry.

Learn from my mistakes (history – March 23, 1775)

Hopefully, you’ll hear my heart in this; my burden for this country. I’m sure you’re tired of all the non sense going on – Covid-19, working from home while home schooling, rioting and the political divide, but I truly believe we’re at a critical tipping point like never before.

According to YourDictionary.com the phrase “give me liberty or give me death is a set phrase indicating enormous displeasure at any over–authoritarian policy or law.” I fear these words spoken over 245 years ago may be truer today than ever before! THIS could be our (America as we know her) death!

This year’s been a doozy for sure!  I’m sure we’re all feeling a little uneasy.  Perhaps, it’s the lack of control or the many unanswered questions that has stirred up fear within us. All of this has me thinking a lot more about my safety and the importance of our Second Amendment:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.

I implore you to take action, for the future of this country; and your right to protect, defend your life is at stake! I’m sure you’re seeing or hearing about this daily in the news and on social platforms.  In case you’ve missed it, our right to believe in God and attend Church is also being attacked and shut down.

Please don’t become complacent. If you’re reading this, I know you love and value our Second Amendment! I’m sure you also understand that we are under attack like never before!

As a believer, I’m confident that “All things are possible with Christ Jesus” (Matt. 19:23) and (I believe) that our country is in need of a Revival and return to the principles that made the United States of America great. There is no other country, where others risk their own life (literally) to come to America.

Think about that! 

THIS IS how great America is!

Our “Freedoms” make us great. Freedom to do whatever type of work you love, freedom to create a new product, solution or service. Free to start a business for those who desire to concealed carry and realize it’s up to them to defend and protect their own life. Freedom to pursue what makes you happy and to live the way you choose to and how you’ll raise your family.

No one else determines your future but you! How empowering is that!?  We are all different, and yet we are all the same. It’s at our core values of understanding our own responsibilities, treating others with dignity and respect, as we are all created in the image of our maker. I’m sure you love your kids (or nieces/nephews, family) and want to pass on to the next generation the wonderful things we’ve received from our own parents like a better country than the generation before. We should continue to pay goodness forward.

If you believe in the power of prayer, I invite you to join us in Praying Up America (Facebook group).

So, how & what can you do to ensure your right to keep and bear arms?

  1. Register to vote.  Go to your Secretary of State to get your voter registration form. As long as you will be age 18 by election day.
  2. VOTE in every election, with understanding each candidates platforms. Know what policies you are voting for
  3. Support & Join 2A organization fighting for you, such as Second Amendment Foundation; Gun Owners of America, also your states’ specific organizations
  4. Call and write your congress representatives. The DC Project is a great organization and will link to your representatives contact information
  5. Educate others and younger adults why the 2Amendment matters. Given the current state of chaos, it’s seems likely many would understand this.

I want you to Never be a victim. Your right to fight for your life is at stake. You are your own first responder.