OMG! Lesson #106 – Embarrassing time with TSA Security police
Traveling with a pistol / firearm; “learn from my mistakes” #106
I Just got frisked…Went into a restricted area with my gun. Oh No! Bells, whistles, security alerts. People looking, taking out their phones – OMG! Talk about embarrassment!

How to avoid this mistake when flying with a weapon
Maybe this is why you never traveled (before) with a firearm. You don’t want to be that person… in the center of chaos at the airport.
So, you do your research: you checked not only TSA (https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition) website but also that of your specific airline carriers’ website to make sure of their specific guidelines for traveling with a firearm. You verify the gun laws and concealed carry laws for any state you will visit (and stay in) and if your final destination has reciprocity with your weapon permit.
Bigger is better… when you’re traveling with a firearm because you are required to have a hard lockable case for your unloaded firearm within your checked baggage.
A bigger bag also means the likelihood of someone over packing.
Click here to download our Checklist for traveling with a gun.
You’ll need to take your luggage with you to one of the inside check in counters to declare you’re traveling with a firearm. Remember, this may be your first time to travel with your weapon but not for the agents helping you.
Ammunition can be transported in the same hard shell case as the firearm, but the gun must be unloaded.
- After you inform the agent you will be flying with a gun, expect a small Q&A session about your firearm and how its stored. They’ll ask you to fill out a short form and show ID. You’ll receive an orange card to place in the case like below:

With most airlines, you will then carry your luggage to the large / oversized luggage station. You may be asked questions here too. There’s no reason anyone should ask for your keys to unlock the firearm case. You, as owner should maintain the keys and no one else.
Now that your luggage is in the hands of the airline, you can continue on to your own screening and gate to board for your final destination.
Perhaps, this is a little UN-nerving the first time but download our checklist guide to help ease the tension next time you plan a trip.

Stay tuned for tips about traveling cross country and our highways.