Are you protecting yourself? Learn from my mistakes – purse carry and having a plan.

First off, Happy Fall Y’all! That’s how we say it down here in Georgia ?.

As the world turns and tilts, cooler days, football and fall fashions are coming your way. Given the all the crazy events amidst lock downs, Covid-19, riots and violence, thousand are coming to a new realization about their safety. For some, it’s a whole new world of becoming a gun owner and realizing the need to be self reliant and prepared for safety.

However, your safety isn’t’ just about whether or not you have the right self defense tool(s) to purchase or train with.

In addition to arming yourself with some tools, equally and some say more so, is the importance of preparing mentally for the future dilemma. What if _____ happens? What should I do or where do I go?

 It’s the “What am I going to do if / when” scenario…

We NEED to have a plan of action BEFORE the SHTF.

I want to share some possible options and brainstorm with you.

If you’re one of the few thousand of new gun owners, don’t put off applying for your concealed carry license (carry permit, or whatever it’s called in your area). Not all states have constitutional carry. These states do not require a permit in order to carry a firearm; either open carry or concealed.

More and more people are beginning to carry for safety. While women are the fastest growing demographic, we’re not alone. The industry is seeing a huge surge and you’ve probably notice the shortages on popular firearms and ammunition.

So, how are you going to carry or how do you carry your self defense tool(s)? I believe most men either carry appendix or between three and four o’clock position. (Please comment below and let me know. 🙂

Ladies, Do you carry in your purse? And, do you practice accessing and drawing (it) your gun?

I understand concealing your firearm in a purse “feels” safer than carrying on body. And I’m guilty of it, too. I was afraid; afraid of carrying a loaded firearm on me – like literally on my body! What if ….  I’m sure you can relate to that!

Here’s what I’ve learned since those early days.

Have you thought about the likelihood you can get to your firearm in time, if you needed to? First, you need to know EXACTLY where to find it in that big ‘ol bag (not an easy task for the women I know). That is unless, you’re using a specific purse made for concealed carry that it has a specific and separate pocket just for your firearm.

I want to share some possible options and brainstorm with you…

One thing to note; particularly if you’re one of the few thousand of new gun owners, is to apply for your concealed carry license (carry permit, or whatever it’s called in your area). There are many states that don’t have constitutional carry laws.

The second consideration is on the type of firearm you’re carrying? For me, a semi-automatic pistol is my preference. That means, IF I have to use my firearm and IF I’m able to access it in time, I’ll likely have to shoot through my bag / purse!

So, here’s something I’d never considered and something you should give some thought to about carrying a semi automatic firearm in a purse. If you are forced to defend your life or draw your semi-automatic firearm, you are only getting ONE SHOT!

What? Why? … Malfunction!

Yep, the discharged casing won’t be able to eject and therefore, another round won’t be able to load. And, you’d be surprised at the heat on your hand after firing that weapon. Ask me how I know? I’ve done it!

So, what if you carry a revolver? IF you have to shoot through your purse, there won’t be an issue with your firearm jamming (malfunctioning) as the spent casings stay within the cylinder.

Let’s say you go out for lunch, grocery shopping, or movies – where do you place your purse? Do you leave it unattended in a grocery cart, back of a restaurant chair or leave it on the floor? Who’s in control of that firearm now? If you set it on the back of your chair; anyone can steal it or pick pocket your purse, wallet and now your self defense firearm PLUS, they now know where you live!

Another point of concern is how long can you carry that bag! You may not think your loaded firearm weighs that much, but with everything else in your purse, the weight on your shoulder or arm gets heavy pretty quickly! (just saying).

So, you’ll either stop carrying all together, or only carry on short trips where you’re not having to carry that heavy purse around for long.

and then, what if … it happens?

You may not have the tool(s) you need when you need them most!

That’s why “on body” carry is recommend.

It’s less stress on your body and you have quick access if, when you may need it. Additionally, you know right where it (firearm) is every minute!

Just HOW do you dress and keep your firearm cover?

You may have to go shopping for some new threads 🙂 as on body carry can change your wardrobe. You’ll need to say “good-bye” to skin tight, form-fitting garments. But no worries! At Incognito Wear IX, we make this transition easy with clothing that’s designed to conceal so you don’t have to worry.

How do you make this big leap? I recommend starting at he best place – home. Begin with a good holster for your particular make and model of firearm or our Strix Bellyband holster. As you verify your firarm isn’t showing (printing) you’ll begin to build confidence and get a custom to “on body carry”.

Be armed, Fashionable, & incognito! Never be a victim because of style

If you carry for self-defense, it’s advisable to also carry a self defense policy for protecting you financially from lawsuits and the legal chaos that’s likely to ensue if you brandish or fire your gun.It is the responsibility of the firearm owner to safely “secure” your firearm.

We’re so glad you’re part  of the concealed carry Parliament! If you have any questions or comments, leave them below.