What’s the most important skill when I concealed carry?

What’s the most important skill when I concealed carry?

Given the current status of society (breakdown) and the increase in crime of all sorts, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, the exponential increase in gun ownership as of late. in fact, 44% of  US housholds owns a gun. That means there are a lot of “concealed carriers” out there. We are all on our own personal journey to self reliance, empowerment and protection.

We all have a right to defend ourselves. It’s a God Given right, regardless of what others may try to convince you of.

In this video, some of what many trainers in the industry agree with, are skills to hon in on and to practice.

Learning a new skill and habits take time. Learning a “new way to think” takes practice.

So, what is the most important skill when you carry?

Situational awareness!

As one who carries on a regular basis, it’s my hope and prayer, that I’ll never need to use it.

By utilizing my senses, sight first, keeping my eyes and head scanning the area around me, I can see who’s coming and going. I can avoid any potentially harmful situation.

This is the importance of SITUATIONAL AWARENESS! It gives you a chance to retreat, escape, and avoid being robbed, attacked, or worse…

Secondly, Making a wise decision to leave or flee a situation BEFORE the unthinkable happens, this my dear friends, is your Goal. Decision making is your next best skill to master. When the adrenaline starts flowing, your fine motor skills won’t. This is why thinking through “what if…” scenario helps to keep your mind sharp and to run on “auto-pilot” when your body enters into that heightened state of stress.

Remember, Your best fight is the one you didn’t have. And that is what we all hope for.

Be safe, armed & Incognito!

Learn from my Mistakes – #101 – Holsters & holstering

Learn from my Mistakes – #101 – Holsters & holstering

The holster’s supposed to stay put.

I love people. I love helping people. I love teamwork and want everyone to feel welcomed to the party! I want to make life easier, simpler, and save you from the hard knocks, if possible.

In these posts, I’ll share stories, humor, shooting tips, and some tough lessons learned in the hopes of sparing you the tough hard lessons or embarrassment on the range. Welcome to our debut post – the holster’s supposed to stay put!

Can you imagine my surprise when drawing my firearm AND the holster can out with the gun?!

Some holster types

Of course, I wasn’t using one that went through my belt (like the two on the left in the photo above). I was using an IWB (Inside the Waistband holster).

But, this did actually happen to me! Fortunately, I was in a training class. But the point stuck with me.

How often do you test your gear?

Of course, let’s state the obvious – we are all hopeful that we never have to or are in a situation where we are forced to draw our weapon. That said, we should test our gear and especially if you have any new purchases.

firearm, holsters, belts, mags
New gear like holsters

Over the weekend, my husband and I traveled to a friend’s place where we were able to do a little shooting. Mostly, we were on a mission to site in a rifle but took advantage of a sunny afternoon and an outside shooting opportunity.

It was a great time shooting with my husband and I was able to try several different pistols from various sources. I was pleasantly surprised with the Sig Sauer P365. I was surprised at how well I shot it. As someone with small hands, finding an optional (carry or range) gun has proven to be challenging.

My current carry gun may become my back up carry firearm, so that leads to finding new holsters – one for a new backup location carry (for example, the ankle) and a new holster for my new carry pistol?.

So back to the main point of testing your gear – and before buying if at all possible.

When it comes to holsters, don’t forget a good belt. This is an important part of your gear. There are plenty of options available from leather to tactical belts. When choosing leather, look for a thick belt made for this purpose.

Be safe and don’t make the same mistakes.


Leave us a comment on your lessons learned from mistakes.