You’ve come to the decision that a firearm for self defense and protection makes sense, but you’re not sure of the process.
Is there really a background check to purchase a firearm? Everyone buying a gun MUST fill outForm 4473
YES, Form 4473, is a BACKGROUND CHECK! It’s the NICS.
Chances are if you never been down this road or you don’t have a friend to share some inside information with you, it can be a little overwhelming. After all , it’s an Official Government Document – eek!
As is it with the government, all paperwork must be exact.
For example, date of birth must be in format with 2-digit month and day, and 4 digit year.
There are no abbreviations for state of birth.
If you have a concealed carry weapons permit or license, the background check is quicker. If you don’t have this license, it’s best to included your social security number; unless you plan to wait for quite some time.
The background check is normally about a 20-30 minutes; unless there are some hiccups. If you were thinking about falsifying information – that not only is a big hiccup but it’s a felony charge!
Which can cause you to banned from owning a firearm.
So, take your time, go slow, and read all the questions. If you make a mistake, draw one single line through the error, and initial it. You don’t want to start over nor does the store as all documents are batched and counted.
You see it is regulated process. But once you know what to expect, it’s not so intimidating.
Typically, you’ll be able to go home with your firearm but pack some patience. Specially if your purchasing a firearm on a weekend when the system is very busy.
As my husband and I walked our way in to the woods to a tree stand for an evening hunt for coyotes, I became aware of so many similarities to living a lifestyle of self-reliance and predator hunting.
This weekend I had the pleasure of visiting friends’ farmland and had my first experience in hunting (other than a dove shoot). My husband grew up hunting and I’ve always been happy for him to have the opportunity to get in the woods. Now I fully understand why he likes to get in the woods.
Dove Shoot 2014
I knew that brought him such joy and peace to experience God in this way. To be one with the woods, nature and creation. Such beauty that a camera lens can’t capture. The sun shinning in your eyes as it plays pic-a-boo for a while as it slowly ducks behind a row of trees.
The evening sky glows in hues of pink, red and orange across the horizon. Even though it’s winter time (end of January 2021) most of the vegetation is brown and lifeless.
However, the woods are chirping with life. The sounds of squirrels, birds, ducks, deer, turkey and predators like coyotes and bobcats fill the air.
My first tree stand view and predator hunt
I was unaware at the beginning of our walk in, the importance of being as quite as possible from the beginning starting out with a quiet bad boy buggy and including our walk to the hunting stand. I admit, my husband had to tell me several times as we walked to be quite – the journey to the tree stand mattered and it’s important not to bring attention to ourselves or to disturb the habitat and run the animals off.
A semblance of what I believe the criminal “human predator” is like. He’s quite in every manner; doesn’t draw attention to himself or his environment. He leaves no evidence of being on the prowl.
We’re hunting predators, those (criminals) seeking to harm and kill the weak. My husband says it this way “they (coyotes) are an uninvited guest to an invitation only party”. The DNR (department of Natural Resources) calculates many factors, such as herd size statistics and food resources, into hunting guidelines.
Because coyotes aren’t native to Georgia (where I’m hunting) they can be hunted year round.
A coyote looks for an easy kill. Usually the weak and young, like a fawn.
Criminals look for easy targets. Are you a fawn? A deer in headlights? Are you situational aware of surroundings?
Unaware of surroundings
You might be if you’re constantly looking at your phone. Do you have the volume turned up with earplugs in? Do you meander in the parking lot on the way to or from your car, the mall or office?
These “transitional” spaces are the highest risks for attacks and abductions. You should be on high alert when getting in or out of your vehicle, coming out of a door or rounding a corner or blind area.
How is a female of 100 pounds or 200 pounds going to resist the strength of a man who’s likely taller, stronger and intent on causing harm, kidnap or more violent acts?
To me and many others, this is the power of having a firearm for protection and why it’s important for to carry on body. Concealing a firearm on body takes some time, but if you’re ever in a situation it’s best to be prepared! Not a victim.
Georgia DNR has no closed season for predators. This means predator hunting can be done year-round without limitations on how many can be harvested. And by whatever means (to do so effectively) like using night vision, thermal vision and such equipment. However, this doesn’t mean that you can do so without a license!
The is the same manner in which a human predator might hunt for their prey. For a “would be victim” to defend themself against such a predator, s/he needs a tool that can stop the threat, stop the attack on their life.
One of the best ways to stop this threat is with a tool that can give the victim the upper hand, the strength and power / muscle to fight back, defend her or himself and escape.
Such an equalizing tool is a firearm.
There are plenty of predators looking for victims, do your part to not become one.
Visit your local gun range to find a firearm and training.
Visit to shop for concealed carry clothing and holsters. Our Made in America clothing is styled to minimize the appearance that you carry.
Hide in plain sight
Like the owl (our animal symbol) keep your eyes and head on the lookout while you stay camouflaged and carry protection tools necessary for your survival.
Hopefully, you’ll hear my heart in this; my burden for this country. I’m sure you’re tired of all the non sense going on – Covid-19, working from home while home schooling, rioting and the political divide, but I truly believe we’re at a critical tipping point like never before.
According to the phrase “give me liberty or give me death is a set phrase indicating enormous displeasure at any over–authoritarian policy or law.” I fear these words spoken over 245 years ago may be truer today than ever before! THIS could be our (America as we know her) death!
This year’s been a doozy for sure! I’m sure we’re all feeling a little uneasy. Perhaps, it’s the lack of control or the many unanswered questions that has stirred up fear within us. All of this has me thinking a lot more about my safety and the importance of our Second Amendment:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
I implore you to take action, for the future of this country; and your right to protect, defend your life is at stake! I’m sure you’re seeing or hearing about this daily in the news and on social platforms. In case you’ve missed it, our right to believe in God and attend Church is also being attacked and shut down.
Please don’t become complacent. If you’re reading this, I know you love and value our Second Amendment! I’m sure you also understand that we are under attack like never before!
As a believer, I’m confident that “All things are possible with Christ Jesus” (Matt. 19:23) and (I believe) that our country is in need of a Revival and return to the principles that made the United States of America great. There is no other country, where others risk their own life (literally) to come to America.
Think about that!
THIS IS how great America is!
Our “Freedoms” make us great. Freedom to do whatever type of work you love, freedom to create a new product, solution or service. Free to start a business for those who desire to concealed carry and realize it’s up to them to defend and protect their own life. Freedom to pursue what makes you happy and to live the way you choose to and how you’ll raise your family.
No one else determines your future but you! How empowering is that!? We are all different, and yet we are all the same. It’s at our core values of understanding our own responsibilities, treating others with dignity and respect, as we are all created in the image of our maker. I’m sure you love your kids (or nieces/nephews, family) and want to pass on to the next generation the wonderful things we’ve received from our own parents like a better country than the generation before. We should continue to pay goodness forward.
If you believe in the power of prayer, I invite you to join us in Praying Up America (Facebook group).
So, how & what can you do to ensure your right to keep and bear arms?
Register to vote. Go to your Secretary of State to get your voter registration form. As long as you will be age 18 by election day.
VOTE in every election, with understanding each candidates platforms. Know what policies you are voting for
A memory- Wow. I can’t believe this journey started 4 years ago. This is my VERY first set up / booth. I’d just started my business and a scared first time vendor at the USCCA concealed carry expo in my home town.
I remember thinking what am I going to do if my clothes come! My samples had to be shipped overnight, and grateful they made it!? I was warmly greeted by the neighboring vendors, given much needed assistance, advice and well wishes. Of course, I also got a lot of interesting looks as to why a “Women’s Boutique” ??was at this trade show for self defense. Well, for me, that was exactly the point! It was my purpose.
I was a gun newbie and SO frustrated in trying to dress around my firearm and concealed carry. I couldn’t believe the words that came out of my mouth – I really had nothing to wear! I knew with the amount of frustration I was experiencing, I couldn’t be alone in this silent struggle to dress fashionably and be armed.
So, being called a “Women’s Boutique” was the bomb… along with the sales! That was the best feeling to be able to help other women to live this lifestyle; confidently, and well, be armed and incognito!
What about that “Behind the scenes” Part? Honestly, a lot of cussing and tears.
It’s been a long journey working full time and starting a clothing line by yourself on a side hustle. I had no idea what was a head of me… if I had, I’d been too afraid to start!
There’s so many facets to creating a garment – who knew?! You just go to the Mall or boutique and search to you find something you like. But, what if you can create it? Can you say how do I start and oh, it’s overwhelming.
Learning how to source fabrics and where, finding industry experts like a pattern maker, learning the industry vocabulary like having tech packs, and ultimately the key to getting clothing made is finding and working with a manufacturer (in the USA). And then, finding a factory willing to work with a new designer/company, my small quantities and I believe the type of clothing I was designing was a touchy subject for some.
And that’s just for making the clothes – then there’s the marketing conglomerate… designing a website and the web platform and a check out process. Decisions have to be made about the overall look, what colors to pick and why, coming up with a logo and a design, and the legal side such as trademarks, business licenses, tax numbers, and the like.
Then you shout from the roof tops to get the word out. Well, you turn to internet and the social medial world to market yourself and your business. Email marketing and blogging – oh my!
The world of social networks
I want to encourage you if you’re thinking of a business. Stop trying to make it perfect and just start walking. I still don’t have it all figured out but if I waited, I wouldn’t have been able to help so many women to have the courage and confidence to carry their firearm so they can protect themselves and save lives. After all, helping others and having them looking great is what’s matters.
Thank you to all my wonderful customers! I love working with you at these shows! Thank you to the industry folks and trainers, I’ve meet over these past few years. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and accepting a new concept to dressing around a firearm.
No matter what the industry is, there are a lot of players, but there’s only one you and you have a unique gift and voice. It’s baby steps – Just keep walking! You’ll walk into success.
I think we’re all ready for life to return to normal as we head into spring and look forward to summertime fun. I know you missed your loved ones and heartbroken to have missed out on the many family events or celebrations over the past month or so, me too!
As our country begins to open up, Let’s get back to normal or perhaps a better you. Did you get the down time; the “rest and relaxation” you needed?
Family seems more important these days as “absence makes the heart grow fonder” rings true. Perhaps, you’re finding the silver lining of this quarantine to really spend quality time with your kids and family.
I know it’s been a rough few weeks, okay, maybe it feels like forever!
What did you do to get the most out of being at home? Are you still adjusting to working from home with your children underfoot….and being teacher, Principal and a Chef!
Do you feel like you’re running your own restaurant! There have been so many super hero stories of people helping people, neighbors helping neighbors.
As we move closure to May and Mother’s Day, I hope it will be extra special this year!
You need a big hug! You have done an amazing job getting through… and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Kinda symbolic, don’t you think? Right after Easter, the Spring Season and all?
Is it too early to think about Mother’s Day? It will be the first national holiday we can (of course, carefully following guidelines) get together – with friends, loved ones and party!
Mother’s Day 5/10/20
If you think Mom has everything and you have no idea how to make this day special, I’ve gotcha some help!
Nothing saves “I love you” like pictures! So, if you can’t think of a single thing, and we’ve got ideas in the photo below, remember Mom loves photographs of her children. (ok, I certainly do! – hint hint!)
So this list might have first been thought of forChristmas, but these are great ideas for Mom – for any occasion! I would also add our clothes, and accessories. Of course, teaching your mother how to save and defend her life is “priceless”. Our clothes will have Mom in style whether she carries a firearm or pepper spray, she’ll never be a victim.
101 Gift Giving Ideas for Mom
I’m guessing these past few weeks have really made you more aware of how you can best protect your family Take comfort in that you’re not alone. If you one of the many new gun owners since this virus invaded us, you appreciate the 2nd Amendment more and the sense of empowerment this new found skill gives you. Now that you’ve realized that you are the “First Responder” to your situation, I urge you to keep up with the practice and the training.
I’m a founding member of The Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance; all things women and concealed carry. In today’s world, women desire options for everyday concealed carry. To meet the need, these entrepreneurial women have stepped up to solve the need for real options. That’s where the WCCA comes in, to provide one reliable source to find all those carry options, and meet the women behind the designs. About WCCA
Here’s a graphic of other valuable resources to check out.
If this isn’t you, I urge you to think about this reality and to empower others. Learning to drive a car at 16, gave you a great sense of freedom, independence and empowerment. Being able to defend your life can give you so much more. There are a lot of options from guns / firearms to pepper spray, stun gun, striking tools and more.
This Mother’s Day, honor MOM by teaching her situational awareness and the ability to defend her life. After all, you wouldn’t be here without Mom.
Join our community! Become a Parliament member of concealed carry lifestyle. (By the way, a group of owls is called a Parliament- don’t worry). Sign up to get First notice of specials and priority shopping.