Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air

February is the Month of Love. What about self-love?

We are all so busy with life that it’s easy to forget to take time to breathe. I found this article to share with you and encourage you to love your life and others.

Be your best each and every day! Learn to protect your life and your loved ones.

I have found that shooting and being able to concealed carry gives me self-confidence and courage. The simple fact that I have a way to defend myself is empowering.

I am here for a reason; I am worthy; I am valuable; my life matters and so does yours! Isn’t it time we live like it?!

Below is Katherine Hurst’s excerpt  on “How To Love Yourself And Be Confident With These 15 Self-Love Tips

Improve your life with The Law of Attraction say Katherine Hurst.

“This may seem more important to some than others, but self-love is one of the best things you can do for yourself.”

“This may seem more important to some than others, but self-love is one of the best things you can do for yourself.”

“Being in love with yourself provides you with self-confidence, self-worth and it will generally help you feel more positive. You may also find that it is easier for you to fall in love once you have learned to love yourself first.”

 “If you can learn to love yourself, you will be much happier and will learn how to best take care of yourself. When you are truly in love with yourself and happy, you should stop comparing yourself to others so much and should find yourself more confident, not worrying as much about what others think.”

“This may seem more important to some than others, but self-love is one of the best things you can do for yourself.”

“Being in love with yourself provides you with self-confidence, self-worth and it will generally help you feel more positive. You may also find that it is easier for you to fall in love once you have learned to love yourself first.”

 “If you can learn to love yourself, you will be much happier and will learn how to best take care of yourself. When you are truly in love with yourself and happy, you should stop comparing yourself to others so much and should find yourself more confident, not worrying as much about what others think.”

 Read more – Katherine Hurst on the Law of Attraction –

Easter-Personal Lesson Learned #Forgiveness #love

Easter-Personal Lesson Learned #Forgiveness #love

Life’s lesson

Today is Good Friday, a high school friend shared this article written by her step-son. It’s very powerful discovery into how God loves you and me. In this article, Taylor Bell, relates his life as a child living through the trauma of divorce and its’ symbolism with Christ’s actions and even death on the cross.

I too experienced the trauma of divorce, not as a child but as a mother of 3, the oldest at age 6. Devastating! and yes, a very dark time for me and darker for my children. My pain ran deeper for my children than myself, and continues in sorts, though they are now adults.

You see, my oldest son has been engulfed in the pain Taylor speaks of, more so than my other two kids. Pain must be dealt with. When we choose not to deal with the deep hurt and pain, there can be physical manifestations of the emotional and spiritual suffering that runs so deep.

My son chose to shut me and my family out of his pain, suffering and directed all of his hurt and anger at me. While I have be blessed beyond measure to have a husband who shows me what “love” is and loves my children as truly his own, my pain of that loss lingers. Just as Jesus longs for all to come to Him and not parish.

It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen or heard from my oldest child. It’s likely I wouldn’t even recognize him if we did happen to cross paths. I’ve reached out the best I could not knowing where he was or if the phone number I had was even correct. Recently, I tried to make a phone call but discovered my son had blocked his mother’s number.

I resonate with Taylor’s story to tears and can fully understand how deeply Jesus Loves us – me, you, everyone! The pain and suffering Jesus underwent so that each of us would never have to experience it – but able to live a life of hope, hope in knowing that all of our brokenness is no more in Jesus Christ.

I don’t know if I’d be here today, if it weren’t for His abiding love, and this mother’s love for her children. It’s my prayer this Good Friday and Easter that you seek the healing, restoration that only Jesus Christ can bring!

Jesus Christ desires to have a relationship with you, just as I long for a relationship with my son. The desire never vanishes, regardless of what has/will happen or been done. Surrender to the one who can AND will bring everlasting life and Help you to get through each and everyday!

I continue to seek the one who made me PERFECT for his purpose and for restoration with my son. Forgive me if this brutal honesty offends you, but I believe Jesus wants all to come to Him and have Everlasting Life FOREVER in relationship with HIM- in Heaven and with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

May this Good Friday and Easter Sunday bring you joy! No matter WHAT you THINK OR FEEL, it doesn’t change the FACTS that you are LOVED! You’re FORGIVEN of EVERYTHING, WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE JESUS DIED FOR YOU; and SURRENDER to HIM as LORD OF YOUR LIFE!

God Bless You!

Here’s the link to Taylor Bell’s article on the need for Good Friday