Why gun control doesn’t work

Why gun control doesn’t work

Gun control full speed ahead – but, will it work?

Have you ever really thought about why those on the left constantly want to destroy our Second Amendment?

As I celebrate another trip around the sun, I can hardly remember at time when there wasn’t a move to restrict gun ownership. That is a sad state! Why, why do some so desperately desire to destroy what our founding fathers so miraculously outlined in our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

At the root of establishing this great country, our founding fathers had a strong belief and commitment to Jesus Christ. Much of our Bill of Rights and Constitution are based on scripture and Godly principles.

In fact, I believe there’s not been a time like this before to clearly show the removal of God and Godly principals has brought in and escalated the deterioration of society, zero tolerance of one another and a flat out laser focus on “ME”-ism.

Cam Edwards writes about this in NRA’s magazine, America’s 1st Freedom, some years ago in 2018. Have things changed? Nope, nadda – not one bit.

But, here’s the reality of this ongoing debate over guns – restricting or banning firearms does not reduce crime! This is the huge pink elephant!


Sure, there’s lots of “theories” about how it (gun control) will work, but history is so valuable. Yes, a true case study without debate on the findings. IT DOES NOT WORK!

I believe we’ve all heard about the prohibition era, one problem then was how Prohibition was difficult to enforce. What transpired was an increase in illegal establishments like speakeasies and or bootlegging. It did not stop it – the restriction of alcohol led to a creative work around and increase in crime! You cannot legislate crime.

And so it goes with gun control. There’s plenty of other countries to look at for the result of gun control and it’s not good for the people – ONLY for those RULING and Power Hungry!

Gun control is the way of Socialism, Communism and Fascism. It IS NOT the way to FREEDOM; to personal responsibility, property ownership or how you want to worship.

We are already seeing how rulers are controlling behavior today – through high inflation and getting you used to seeing grocery stores bare and high prices. We have wokeness, cancel culture on steroids and it’s by a small percentage of the population but why is their voice so loud?

Media. We’ve been asleep and not standing watch. We said “its not that big of a deal”…

In my home state of Georgia, the City of Kennesaw actually passed a law that required homeowners to own a firearm… and what happened Overnight to the crime rate was positive and amazing! Arming law abiding citizens is a strong deterrent! Thus, more responsible gun owners is the solution.

Like the river bank gives way to the water and slowly erodes, so to goes our Second Amendment rights (being dissolved) without constant reinforcement (fighting to keep) the river bank hard and solid.

Remember, it’s your right and duty to be self reliant. Check out the NRA’s annual meeting and exhibits in April 2023, we’re in booth #3261.

Never be a victim because of style- be incognito!

What is Constitutional Carry and what it means for Georgia

What is Constitutional Carry and what it means for Georgia

As crimes spikes across the nation, more people are purchasing firearms for their protection. It’s important to know your state’s gun laws.

If you live in Georgia, last year Constitutional Carry was made law of the land. In short, anyone legally able to may carry a concealed handgun without a permit.

Recently, USCCA (the United States Concealed Carry Association) published a clear reference which I‘ve linked here.


It’s safe to travel

It’s safe to travel

4/6/21 # Travel tips – Learn from my mistakes

Some of the best tactics to keep your family safe…

Now that the Easter Bunny has come and things are beginning to look a little more normal, are you planning a vacation this summer?

When my kids were young, I liked to take my kids to different places during the summer and explore our great country. I imagine after being restricted from traveling, my guess is many of you are itching to take a road trip! Whether it be to see some friends, family or somewhere new.

Here’s 3 concealed carry tips for traveling with protection (your firearm).

First, and I’d say the most important tips is to know the concealed carry laws along your route and for your final destination. There’s an easy way to do this, assuming you already have a concealed carry permit in your home state.

This map will show you the other states that honor your license to carry, so you’ll know immediately, if you can carry where you are going.

To reference a previous blog on traveling cross country with a firearm click here. 
Note the placement of the hands on the steering wheel

Secondly, knowing what to do if you get pulled over by police.  Remember your Driver’s Ed class? Place your hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel, turn on the dome light if it’s dark and wait for the police to approach you.

* I’ve heard this Tip if you are concealing and you get pulled over, extend your fingers out (hands of course being at 10 and 2 on steering wheel) that this is a non-verbal way to politely communicate to the officer that you’re armed.

Remember, when traveling, to check the state laws whether or not you must notify the officer if you have a firearm.

One other item you might find quite useful for traveling, depending on state laws, would be to have a portable safe for traveling or storage.  

Highly recommended, especially when you’re in a new town, to  practice Cooper’s color codes of situational awareness. What are color codes?

Develop a plan.

Make sure everyone in the family knows what the plan is, any key words and the expected action family members are to take.

All the hotels have escape routes posted. Make sure you have your own escape route too.

If you have small children, practice it often so they are familiar with the words and the routine.  Albeit, a little trickery when traveling with young ‘uns.

Remember, knowledge is power and being prepared can save lives. AND, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the scenery!

*tips from USCCA
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