Why gun control doesn’t work

Why gun control doesn’t work

Gun control full speed ahead – but, will it work?

Have you ever really thought about why those on the left constantly want to destroy our Second Amendment?

As I celebrate another trip around the sun, I can hardly remember at time when there wasn’t a move to restrict gun ownership. That is a sad state! Why, why do some so desperately desire to destroy what our founding fathers so miraculously outlined in our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

At the root of establishing this great country, our founding fathers had a strong belief and commitment to Jesus Christ. Much of our Bill of Rights and Constitution are based on scripture and Godly principles.

In fact, I believe there’s not been a time like this before to clearly show the removal of God and Godly principals has brought in and escalated the deterioration of society, zero tolerance of one another and a flat out laser focus on “ME”-ism.

Cam Edwards writes about this in NRA’s magazine, America’s 1st Freedom, some years ago in 2018. Have things changed? Nope, nadda – not one bit.

But, here’s the reality of this ongoing debate over guns – restricting or banning firearms does not reduce crime! This is the huge pink elephant!


Sure, there’s lots of “theories” about how it (gun control) will work, but history is so valuable. Yes, a true case study without debate on the findings. IT DOES NOT WORK!

I believe we’ve all heard about the prohibition era, one problem then was how Prohibition was difficult to enforce. What transpired was an increase in illegal establishments like speakeasies and or bootlegging. It did not stop it – the restriction of alcohol led to a creative work around and increase in crime! You cannot legislate crime.

And so it goes with gun control. There’s plenty of other countries to look at for the result of gun control and it’s not good for the people – ONLY for those RULING and Power Hungry!

Gun control is the way of Socialism, Communism and Fascism. It IS NOT the way to FREEDOM; to personal responsibility, property ownership or how you want to worship.

We are already seeing how rulers are controlling behavior today – through high inflation and getting you used to seeing grocery stores bare and high prices. We have wokeness, cancel culture on steroids and it’s by a small percentage of the population but why is their voice so loud?

Media. We’ve been asleep and not standing watch. We said “its not that big of a deal”…

In my home state of Georgia, the City of Kennesaw actually passed a law that required homeowners to own a firearm… and what happened Overnight to the crime rate was positive and amazing! Arming law abiding citizens is a strong deterrent! Thus, more responsible gun owners is the solution.

Like the river bank gives way to the water and slowly erodes, so to goes our Second Amendment rights (being dissolved) without constant reinforcement (fighting to keep) the river bank hard and solid.

Remember, it’s your right and duty to be self reliant. Check out the NRA’s annual meeting and exhibits in April 2023, we’re in booth #3261.

Never be a victim because of style- be incognito!

Gun Control – How to talk with non 2A supporters

Gun Control – How to talk with non 2A supporters

How to talk to those who support gun control. Hold your ground and have a conversation — not a fight or argument.

“According to almost every major study on the issue, Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and 3 million times each year.” From @HeritageDataViz Data Visualizations

I feel we are at a boiling point in America on so many levels. One side against the other pushing and believing with all their hearts in what they say (or believe in) is the “absolute truth”.

We all know no matter how thin the pancake is, there are always two sides.

So, the question remains how to talk rationally to those who are for gun control?

The DC Project has a great resource on this topic and a free download here.

One of the most important things to remember is getting off on the right foot.

Begin the conversation with finding common ground. “How”? you may ask.

We all want to feel safe in our own homes and communities and to protect our family.

Share your values why feeling safe matters to you –

  • I carry to protect myself / yourself and Life.
  • A firearm equalizes the malice of evil intent
  • I don’t want to be helpless – I don’t want to be a victim
  • Chances are no one will be there to help (or save me) so I will need to be the first responder to a crime scene or what may have been a potential crime scene but was warded off because I was prepared individual

Here are some ways to brainstorm

  • Sharing your truth is an opportunity to inform, enlighten, inspire and support our Constitutional rights.
  • . Write down a list of everything you would want someone to know about why you support 2A rights.
  • Then, write a benefit for the person you are (or my in contact with)
  • Give yourself several responses
  • Speak calmly and address the value for them (i.e. What’s in it for me)

Speak calmly and from your heart.

Share your story and let your emotions out – don’t force them but don’t be embarrassed if the reason you chose a firearm brought tears to your eyes.

Come from a place of education rather than throwing the Constitution at them. Education is such an eye opener.

Relate the fear, nervousness of learning to drive a car (also a deadly weapon – in the wrong hands) to firearms. Once you learn proper gun safety and handling rules, (learning “how” to drive and practicing driving) your fear and nerves subside.

After all, it’s the PERSON  using the instrument (car, truck, knife, or firearm) not the object.

There are already many laws “on the books” and that doesn’t stop malicious intent. Evil cannot be stopped – other than by a higher power, i.e. God.

Asking questions and LISTEN.

Do you believe you have a right to survive and to protect your family?

Your wife, child(ren), mom, dad, siblings, neighbor, etc.?

If so, the Second Amendment guarantees your freedom to choose how to protect them.

Learn from my mistakes in buying a firearm for the first time, What is Form 4473?

Learn from my mistakes in buying a firearm for the first time, What is Form 4473?

Form 4473


You’ve come to the decision that a firearm for self defense and protection makes sense, but you’re not sure of the process.

Is there really a background check to purchase a firearm? Everyone buying a gun MUST fill out Form 4473

YES, Form 4473, is a BACKGROUND CHECK! It’s the NICS.

Chances are if you never been down this road or you don’t have a friend to share some inside information with you, it can be a little overwhelming. After all , it’s an Official Government Document – eek!

As is it with the government, all paperwork must be exact.

For example, date of birth must be in format with 2-digit month and day, and 4 digit year.

There are no abbreviations for state of birth.

If you have a concealed carry weapons permit or license, the background check is quicker. If you don’t have this license, it’s best to included your social security number; unless you plan to wait for quite some time.

The background check is normally about a 20-30 minutes; unless there are some hiccups. If you were thinking about falsifying information – that not only is a big hiccup but it’s a felony charge!

Which can cause you to banned from owning a firearm.

So, take your time, go slow, and read all the questions. If you make a mistake, draw one single line through the error, and initial it. You don’t want to start over nor does the store as all documents are batched and counted.

You see it is regulated process. But once you know what to expect, it’s not so intimidating.

Typically, you’ll be able to go home with your firearm but pack some patience. Specially if your purchasing a firearm on a weekend when the system is very busy.

The Second Amendment is under attack

Ironically, many who argue for gun control have no idea what’s on Form 4473 and this background process. Fight to protect your right to own (any) firearm.

A Vets unique perspective – “Learn from my mistake” how talk about guns

A Vets unique perspective – “Learn from my mistake” how talk about guns

NRA Annual meetings are happening, censorship of guns and conservative conversations on social platforms & on college campuses, “Red Flag” laws being passed and in some states, confiscation of firearms is actually happening in the Land of the FREE….

There’s so much of ignoring the FACTS and instead they just “repeat it till they believe it” going on in the news and with our millennial’s, I thought I’d share this conversation I came across… I wish to give them credit but don’t remember from where I found it but it’s a great perspective worthy of sharing.

To those who argue gun control here’s in interesting dialog to have –

A Vets unique perspective – Learn from my mistake – How talk about guns

“A couple years ago I was working security at a bar in northern Virginia. I overheard a table of college kids arguing about gun rights and gun control and it was getting far too emotional so I did what any sane combat veteran would do and attempted to exfiltrate. I must not have withdrawn as surreptitiously as I intended, because I was stopped in my tracks when a 5-foot-nothing brunette seemingly leapt in front of me and blurted out “excuse me, can you help us?”

I’m sure I must have looked irritated as I cycled through the possible quips and excuses, I considered available to me but being uncertain that she wasn’t some Senator’s daughter, I caved: “What’s up?”

She basically leads me to this table of 2 other females (probably both named Karen) and a very soft looking male.

Becky: “So, we were just talking about current events and, you know. So, you look like you’re probably in the military, right? Like the Army?”

(When you accuse someone of being in the military you probably don’t need to give an example)

Me: “Similar.. yea”

Becky: “Right. Okay. So, do you think civilians should be allowed to own guns?”

Me: “Most of us. Yes.”

Becky: (clearly not happy with my answer) “Okay, so, why do you think you need a gun?”

(At this point it’s almost 2am and I’ve just given up on patience. Hold my beer)

(With intentionally overt condescension): “Oh, honey, I don’t. I don’t need a gun.”

Becky stares at me blankly, so I continue, but with a more serious tone:

“I could follow you home, walk up your driveway, and beat you to death with the daily newspaper.

I could choke you to death with that purse.

I could take a credit card, break it in half, and cut your throat open with it.

With enough time and effort I could beat your boyfriend here with a rolled up pair of socks.

I could probably dream up six dozen other ways I could easily end your life if you gave me an hour or so.

If I wanted to, I could wrap my hand around that beer mug and kill all four of you before you could make it to the exit. The worst part is, in your utopian little fantasyland, there ain’t a thing any of you could do about it.

I don’t need a gun.

You need a gun.

You need a gun because of men like me.”

Call me a jerk, but if you want to keep your guns, these are the conversations we all need to start having.”

Sure, carrying a firearm is invaluable when you need it. Preventive measures are perhaps more important. After all, we want to prevent ever being victimized. 

The right to bear arms is a right, as Americans, we all get to choose if that’s how we want to protect ourselves and loved ones. You’re feelings don’t decide for me and my family. Its a dangerous place. Take the measures to be safe. Be aware that there are bad guys who want to cause harm to others.

We’ve designed casual clothing that minimizes printing of a concealed firearm, gives you discreet access to it and fits whatever firearm you want to carry!

Check out our dresses and tops for Mother’s Day! And take Mom to the range 🙂

Are you troubled about all the gun talk?

Are you troubled by the news lately?

Not sure what to believe; how to feel about the recent school shooting in Florida? Trying to make heads or tails out of the revolving reports, mis information, and talk of gun control?

There is one thing we should all understand upfront, that is we cannot control evil

… or people (though some may try).

It is hard to understand evil and evil acts. It’s tragic what happened in Parkland, Fl. at Stoneman Douglas High school. No dispute. Let’s take a break for all the reports, blame, hysteria and hype! What we need is time to deal with the sorrow, pain and loss… and a huge break from the blame game! Sometimes in life there aren’t solutions or answers.


I offer prayers for all those who have been affected and are suffering.

So, in order to move forward and protect our loved one; what we CAN DO as responsible human beings?

First off, and it’s probably obvious to most of you, all of us must take responsibility for our own safety. It’s not my job to guard you. I can however, share information that is helpful and can teach you how to be safe. It’s teaching you ‘how to fish’ (so you can then thrive on your own) and not just feeding you.


In case you missed it, click this link for simple safety tips that could save your life.

Times have changed… for good or not so good. What can you do to avoid becoming a victim? How can you stay safe? How do you protect your loved ones? Can we escape crime?


The best way and easiest way to stay safe is to be aware of your surroundings. We are lucky in this country to also have the power to protect ourselves, our homes, and property by the second amendment right. It’s your right to arm yourself if you so choose. There are other good options available as well as pepper spray (OC spray), knives, stun guns or tasers, personal alarms that are loud enough to scare anyone.

I suspect we agree that we want to keep these rights, but just because some don’t want to bear arms, doesn’t mean that you and I should no longer have the option. Luckily, we are a lot alike. I’m not a professional shooter, I’m not a TV talk personality, I don’t have any famous connections or know any celebrities, I’m just someone who wants to protect myself by concealed carrying, on body.

I want to look beautiful, sexy, and stylish even while carrying a firearm.

Please in light of these heated talks, political powerful stronghold special interest groups, reach out to your Senators and Representatives to tell them how you feel about the discussion on gun control, ASAP.

Don’t be troubled, there are solutions. Get some training in protecting yourself and loved ones. Your local gun range is a great place to start in learning about firearms, gun safety, practice shooting and understand your responsibilities should you decide to carry.

God speed!

