Preparations for a New Year

Preparations for a New Year

Whew! You’ve made it through most of the year end feasts and so we turn our focus on New Years (2025).

This is a sad time for me as Christmas is over. I enjoy the upbeat atmosphere and beautiful lights. While Christmas Holidays may not be the best for all, it is the season of Hope and love. It’s my desire that you received that gift this Christmas.

As we move toward New Year’s many are planning their New Year’s Resolutions and goals. Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?

Do you like the feeling of stating anew? For me, New Years seems to be a time of re-focusing, getting back to what matters most… perhaps lost connections or relationships, self-improvement, or planning for the year.

Whatever your traditions are for the New Year, how can we stay focused on such desires? Can I (and perhaps you) stick to our new goals and resolutions?

You’ve likely been taught about making your goals S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound).

Which is great, right? But, how ‘bout actually creating a plan? You know, an outline?

Peter Drucker said, “What gets measured, gets managed”. Tracking your progress let’s you see how you’re doing and I believe this will help to keep (or make) new habits stick. Yeah!

Two additional points to keep your successful goals through out the year, are remaining flexible and having support. Yes, crap happens and there are set backs but don’t let that completely derail you (i.e. speaking to self). Gods got this, so an attitude of “it’ll all work out for my best” is an excellent attitude!

That leads to my last encouraging word and tip for successful New Year improvements and or changes; connect with a support network.  Whether it’s a friend, family member, or coach having someone to keep you encouraged and hold you accountable will increase your chances for lasting improvements.

Best of Luck to your new and better self!