A new beginning…

A new beginning…

Easter is a time of new beginnings. A resurrection.

A time of accepting grace and letting go of past hurts. A re birth of all you are meant to be.

I couldn’t think of anything more of becoming all you are than learning how to safely operate a firearm and to embrace the empowerment of being able to defend your life… and maybe, becoming a marksman!

You see, shooting is fun! Exhilarating. Boosts your self esteem… and it reduces stress! Plus, the advantages of knowing how to safely handle a firearm and the ability withstand those who may wish to cause harm upon you or your loved ones.

To celebrate this wonderful time of year and encourage you to continue your journey in a self reliant lifestyle, we’re giving away our Signature top, Lion + Lamb (over $160.00 value)

Because we believe you should Never be a victim because of style.

Here how to Enter to WIN the Best concealment top! But enter today!
Entries close midnight GOOD FRIDAY, April 15th.
(FYI, don’t use duckduckgo)

Drawing on Easter Sunday.