Learn from my Mistakes – How to work from Home and not kill your kids. We’re in this together!

Learn from my Mistakes – How to work from Home and not kill your kids. We’re in this together!

Home school and working from home

How is working from home going for you? So you dreamed of a day when you could work from home, well honey, you got it! Now, I guess you’re ready to go back to the office?!

Here’s some help for working at home. While this article suggests it’s for “manufacturing”, they’re good tips for being productive!

Parents, I know you have it rough right now with kids home and it didn’t take them long to get bored, did it?! Hang in there, I’m sharing some help.

Here’s a great resource from Princess Awesome and includes this link for kid activities those of you adjusting to home-schooling in addition to you having to work from home. It’s a delicate balance. Just know You are a WARRIOR! You CAN do this!

Hang in there!

You are strong! I find my faith comforts me and gives me hope. Knowing that there is a higher power (God) that can do ANYTHING, means ALL things are possible (in Christ Jesus – Matt.19:26). In fact, it was my faith that compelled me to start Incognito Wear IX.

On a happier note, Easter is coming!

If you’re a VIP (a Parliament member /subscriber – check your email for an important announcement).

On the third day, HE ROSE! Jesus overcame death on a cross and we have victory in Christ Jesus.

I’m so proud of my kids! Saying “Thank you” to those on the front line will mean so much to them.

God Bless you and your family. Thank you to all who do so much to keep others safe. Please take care, wash your hands and treat others as you would want to be treated.

Stay Safe, be armed, and incognito!