Christmas Gifting Ideas for Self Reliant Individuals

Gift ideas for those who carry, for those who travel and for those who never want to be a victim.

American made concealed carry clothing gives you confidence that you can carry on – body without getting called out by “Karen”.

Clothing designed by a woman who was VERY self conscious about dressing around a firearm. But not any longer – I’m armed, fashionable & Incognito.  And you can too!



LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES… Learning to be Grateful

A new decade dawns.
Say good-bye to 2019 – HELLO 2020!

Gratitude can soothe the soul. Gratitude helps remind yourself  of the things that truly matter, for us at Incognito Wear IX, we are grateful for YOU! “Thank you” for all the support you’ve shown us this past year.

The Christmas season has a way of making me filled with gratitude and hope, and big dreams for 2020. It’s going to be a big year!…Politically and otherwise.

A “Gratitude List” is a wonderful way to shift the focus off of self and on to others. At the core of Incognito Wear IX, is you. We want to walk beside you on your concealed carry journey. Carrying on body does change your wardrobe and we give you clothing to empower you.

As we forge this new decade, let us not forget to be grateful for the 2nd Amendment and the right to defend yourself.  However, we better stand up and fight to keep it.

I’m Grateful, that Women are the fastest growing demographic in the firearm industry! I’m grateful to know we’re not alone in this!

I’m grateful for the gift of creativity. I need your feedback to develop better solutions in concealment clothing to help others as they come beside us.  Don’t you agree, It’s better to have a weapon to defend yourself and not need it; than to need one and have No way to defend yourself.

We’re Grateful you found us and to be able to create women’s concealed carry clothing that let’s you feel feminine, confident, armed while remaining incognito. These are the things that are on my list that I’ll focus on this year. Along with being grateful for each of you, this years goal is to be more grateful for my life, for my children, still hoping to hear from my oldest child (it’s been nearly 14 yrs) and to focus more on my health.

Let’s reap the many benefits of making and reflecting on a Gratitude List. They say it can actually put you in a better mood and increase your energy. I can’t wait for that!

So, Let’s start this year off right. Let’s start our list by being grateful for what we DO have in our lives.  I’m looking to develop a stronger feeling of connection to and solidarity with you, and our Second Amendment community.

Experts say, the act of making a Gratitude List will improve your outlook on life, will give you benefits such as less anxiety and better sleep. (I find knowing how to shoot, and having a firearm and the ability to defend myself does as well).

Thank you for letting us be a part of your life. Let us know what you’d like to know more of.
We are so Grateful for you and your support and want to give you more of what you need.

BE GRATEFUL not only for THIS SEASON, but all year. Keeping you armed in style & Incognito!

Hope your New Year it the best ever! Here’s to 2020

Let us know want to know what you want more of! REVIEW us on Google




Wow! What a week in Pittsburgh.

Thank you to all the folks who came out to the David L Lawrence Center for the annual c carry expo event by USCCA.

We met so many people who are part of this Parliament – concealed carry lifestyle, self and home defense. There were lots of great training seminars by top instructors from across the country!

*** PERSONAL NOTE*** *** Square Point of Sale Malfunction ***

Learn from my mistakes – test technology first.

If you made a purchase from us, Thank you! Unfortunately, we had some technical issues regarding our POS/Square system whereby credit cards weren’t charged. NO DATA BREACH, but you didn’t get charged for your purchase. Square is reaching out to many of you and we want you to know this is legit. Please contact Jan at

We hope you will share your comments and reviews with us on our social networks – Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter or email us.

We’re taking PRE-ORDERS for our 505 Mix & Match Tank Top Holster. It’s a great addition to the Lion + Lamb set to double your outfits! Tell us your favorite colors by commenting below or email us.

505 Tank top holster color options. Pick your favorite 2

We want to make carrying on body easy and keep you feeling like a woman! Remember to practice and train with your firearm and drawing from concealment often.

Till we meet again, be safe and don’t let fashion keep you from carrying on body. Never be a victim because of style.

Check out our Events Listing on “Whoo’s Talking” page for one of our Pop-Up events near you. Leave us a comment about your recent purchase and you could be featured here!

What’s your handicap? Overcoming shooting challenges

What’s your handicap? Overcoming shooting challenges

While you may be excited to talk about Golf, that wasn’t quite what I had in mind…

Last week we talked about “shooting handicaps”.  Do you have any concerns about your form  or stance when shooting?  Perhaps, you received a pistol for Christmas and are just starting your journey discovering the wonderful world of shooting . We hope by sharing our story, it will keep you on a straighter path; i.e. less costly mistakes.

Gun shopping is not like shopping most women are a custom to. For starters, you not likely to find this type of store at the Mall. So it may take a bit of planning for this type of shopping trip. Unlike things one may purchase at the mall, with guns once you buy it – it’s yours!

If you decide later that you don’t like the gun, there isn’t really a “Return Policy”.  The Return Policy is up to you and how you want to sell it. So be sure before you buy- unless you’re into collecting guns and your income stream can support your habit ?.

Several things I didn’t realize when I was “trying on” i.e gripping and handled the pistol at the store…. I didn’t really hold it as in anticipation of shooting it down range.

First, I felt really self-conscious about gun shopping and trying to hold the gun, pull the trigger while not pointing the barrel toward any of the other customers all around me.

Secondly, I inadvertently adjusted my grip (and or wrist) around the grip of the pistol so that I could pull the trigger. This is my handicap – small hands and I have since realized finding a firearm for me will prove to be challenging shopping experience. Limp wristing is a good way to get malfunctions

Now, not all of this was realized purely by going to the range. It was through classes and drills of some likely self defense scenarios, that all the pieces began fitting together and the picture became clearer. Another reason why training and practice are important.

Single stack vs. Double stack – graphic /pintrest

Important finding (for me)- I cannot shoot a gun that has a double stack magazine. Not without having a malfunction. A double stack magazine means the grip is going to be bigger. “Double stack” refers to how the bullets line up within the magazine and typically holds about 13-15 rounds. This is good in one sense. More bullets = better protection, right? Also, it makes the gun heavier and therefore, less recoil, which is ideal. But for me, it means more malfunctions. Some might argue this is a good drill to work on clearing malfunctions ?.

So, are you a double stack or single stack gun owner? That depends on YOU.

Some guns have interchangeable back straps that can help for smaller hands. However, you still need to have enough (of your index) finger to pull the trigger.

From the graphic above, you can see how the placement of your trigger finger effects the placement of the bullet on the target. The slightest adjustments can have less desirable results.

So, when shopping for a gun, remember to consider placement of your trigger finger, grip and your wrist. It’s not just about being able to pull the trigger… you want to hit what you aim for. (Important to remember ever bullet has a name on it).

Stay tuned for more –

Got Questions?

FAQ, FAQs, solutions, answers

Got Questions? Need Answers?

I get it… Where is the holster? What makes these clothes different? What so special about these clothes?

Click here to check us out!

clothes, ladies, womens

concealed carry, top, clothes

How do your clothes (that are non – tactical) support the weight of the gun?

This is what makes us great and the advantage. Not to worry about the garment hanging funny due to a firearm. The weight of your firearm is supported by your own waist holster or a belly-band holster. Our clothes are not only comfortable but allow fashion to rule!


Do your clothes come with a holster?

packin heat

use your own holster

No, our clothes are designed with hidden access to your own holster. We understand that sometimes a change in circumstances requires a different firearm and luckily, we’ll bet, you have a holster that already fits it perfectly.
OR you may want to wait to try our unprecedented BELLYBAND HOLSTER coming soon.

concealed carry dress

One last thing… We’ve got you covered even in a dress!

For those special occasions when you need a dress. We offer 2 styles to keep you “incognito” and allow you to carry your firearm.


Leave us a comment and tell us what you are looking for in concealed carry clothing.

We want to know how we can make it easy for you to dress around your firearm so you can hide in plain sight.