Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022


Not only do we sell concealed carry clothing, purses and holsters, but jewelry so you’re dressed to impress and protect!
Concealing a firearm changes the way, women in particular, have to dress. Those living a lifestyle of being situational aware and trusting themselves for their self protection and responsibility for self defense,want to be seen as a”normal Jane or Joe Doe”.
Stay with me here, what I’m saying is that those who concealed carry (for their safety and that of their loved ones) are being self reliant and responsible AND they want to hide in plain sight. They want to be practical in their dress; not tactical!
That’s what I create at Incognito Wear IX.
Making it easy to get dressed; to be stylish and fashionable without looking like it OR taking Forever in trying to find something to wear because we want to protect ourselves.
I invite you to explore all of our American – Made clothing, American made holsters and fashion accessories at
How to wear Wide jeans/ pants or Skinny jeans

How to wear Wide jeans/ pants or Skinny jeans

This week’s Fashion Friday is Wide leg vs. Skinny jeans.

Alot of fashion experts are saying the Skinny jeans trend is on the way out, but I gotta disagree! Are you giving up the tall boots and tucked in jean look?

Especially, for during the winter months when we’ve all have been waiting for the cooler weather to bring out our booties and tall boots. It’s just a great look!

And, it’s great for concealing self defense tools too.

Here’s the thing with how to wear skinny jeans or wide legged jeans (or pants).
In order to not look like you’ve lost a ton of weight or frumpy and sloppy when styling wide legged jeans or pants you should go smaller on top when the bottoms are so full.

It’s important not to be so baggy all over. You get what I’m saying, it’s about the relationship in regards to proportions. So a wide leg jean and a big full top is, well um, not going to be the most attractive outfit you could put together! Tighter fitting or even cropped tops make concealing a firearm at the waist a challenge.

The clothes will look like they are swallowing you. Yes, we want to be stylish. Here’s how you can wear the latest trend in Wide leg jeans and carry by going moderately wide.

This way you still have a looser fitting top which will keep your firearm from printing.


Concealed carry fashion -Learn from my mistakes

Concealed carry fashion -Learn from my mistakes

One of the biggest concerns when you start concealing your firearm, is that EVERYONE can tell, EVERYONE can see it.

First, Congratulations on becoming Self Reliant! Woohoo

Secondly, that means it’s time for a closet redo and wardrobe make-over!

What to do with your clothes when you being to conceal? Closet Make-Over

I’m sure you’re another fashion-ista who’s recently discovered the world of dressing dilemmas when it comes to concealed carry. Honey, you are not alone!

Chances are you’re finding that your old style doesn’t work in your new lifestyle.

It’s time for a closet shuffle (click here to read about how to organize your clothes) and everyone goes through this wardrobe transition when they make the decision to carry on body for safety. After all you understand you will be your own first responder.

You may be one of the new five million of new gun owners joining forces with many other Americans who exercise their right to bear arms. Some choose gun ownership for sport, hunting or simply for home or self defense. After all, these are some crazy times.

For those who are gun owners for self defense, I bet you’re a bit shocked that your existing wardrobe doesn’t quite work and your firearm likely imprints in your form fitting, body hugging clothes.

This is not just an excuse to say “I have nothing to wear”! but you should take some time and give your closet a make-over.

Really look at your clothes. Does the item still fit? Do you love it? The big test comes when you try on the garment, add your firearm to your body and observe in the mirror. Can you, or do you believe the “average person” would notice the firearm imprinting its silhouette through your clothes?

This was my world too! Talk about having “Nothing to wear” LOL….

But seriously, I had a closet full of professional, stylish, form fitting and tailored clothes (having worked most of my life in interior design industry working  with home builders and their new buyers).

You men have it easier 😊 but it’s not so easy for women to conceal a firearm. For example, many of our (women) clothes have small pockets, barely big enough for lipstick let alone a gun.

So here’s the question, How do you conceal (a gun) without printing?

That’s one reason why I started designing clothing. I know what its like to be so frustrated and I want to help you to never be a victim by making it easy for you to choose to carry.

How? By giving you garments with stylish designs and give discreet access to your firearm. I’ve taken the worry out of dressing. Plus, our clothes are proudly Made in America.

We add features like ruffles, pleats, gathers, and nice fabrics with drape.

Not only are you concerned about someone noticing the bump on your hip, but your ability to retrieve it. After all, that’s what will matter.

It’s one thing to walk around so that no one can “see” that you’re armed. It’s another thing to actually be able to draw your firearm without a lot of effort.

Most of us carry somewhere around the waist. Although, this is considered the best location and most desired because your arms and hands can easily reach your firearm.

For example, it’s easier to draw (your firearm) when you carry appendix, or anywhere along the front of the body from  9 o’clock to 3 o’clock.

It becomes a bit more challenging, carrying further behind your natural side where your arms must now reach behind and backwards for a 4 o’clock draw or further if you carry at the small of back.

Dressing around a firearm also encompasses an important accessory, your holster. Consider how easy or how quickly you could draw from concealment.

Do you have to move your arms to an unnatural position to reach your firearm?

If so, you may want to consider either a different holster or carrying in a different location. Of course, you have to do what’s best for YOU. That’s why you’ve got options. There’s not one answer for everyone.

I also take into consideration what if or when you begin to feel uneasy about a situation,  can discreetly grip your firearm ahead of time (just in case) and know that you will not be a victim.

Planning ahead, being prepared and having the tools to defend your life are some of the reason you’ve joined so many others who live a lifestyle of being self reliant.

These are the skills we learn and will practice and hopefully never need.

As the seasons change, I hear many women struggle to continue carrying on body. As temperatures rise, along with hemlines, it’s not uncommon for women to look more at off body carry options like a purse or briefcase. Of course, a girl likes to have options! And, make a fashion statement.

Yes, you can be armed, fashionable (and feminine). We’re here to help you do just that! AND we’ll keep you incognito!

Let us know what your biggest challenges are in the comments below.

Black Friday Dangers and Mistakes – Learn from these lessons #116

Black Friday shopping marked with bomb threats, shooting incident, multiple stabbings

Would you ever expect this to happen on the busiest shopping day of the year?

You may have heard about these stories, all or some of them, and they are tragic, but could it have been prevented?

Black Friday has been a family tradition for years! For us, Thanksgiving is more about making a Christmas shopping list than about the turkey! Excitement builds as sisters strategize about who’s going in which direction (of town) and to which stores. We’ve divided up to concur the best deals and the most savings. So much anticipation about the best shopping day of the year!

Until something like this happens…. and it can happen anywhere!

Amidst crowds of shoppers…

Out of nowhere, in the midst of the crowd comes a scream, people running everywhere, pure PANIC! A knife attack, threat with a bomb or shots fired.

It’s scary! Absolutely frightening! and it’s the last thing you thought would EVER happen to you or around you. So, it begs the question, would this be as scary IF you had a way to protect yourself and loved ones? A way for you to fight back. Even though, the thought of having a loaded weapon on your body may be somewhat scary in itself, or what if you had pepper spray, a personal alarm, your own knife, a taser or stun gun? How would you feel about being in that situation now?

Others are uncontrollable. The who, where and how is what the advantage the criminal has, but neither is the criminal thinking that there may be a ‘fight’ reaction to his harmful plan of attack.

Such is the lifestyle for self reliance, being your own defender and first responder. Becoming familiar with devices for self protection, whether it be non lethal (Damsel in Defense offers many types of self defense tools and can be ordered through my Damsel Pro page) or lethal, there’s something for anyone willing to invest in themselves. We all just have to start the journey to save our lives.

Unfortunately, crime seems to lurk ‘just around the corner’. Don’t be a victim, become situational aware and remove the likelihood of being the opportunity a thief would be looking for.

If you’re interested in learning about firearms for self defense, there are several women organization to look into: A girl and A Gun or The Well Armed Woman, as well as checking with your local range. Some local police departments sponsor self defense classes free of charge.

Stay safe, armed and incognito!

It’s Live! We’re a member of

Press Release

Cape Coral, FL — October 3, 2019 —The Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of its website and alliance community!

The Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance announces the launch of their <> .   Led by Kristen Franke, the WCCA is a collaboration of women business owners from the firearm’s industry whose main focus is to bring high quality concealed carry solutions to more women. We’re calling all women to join us, sign up, it’s FREE to be a part of this exciting community.

The WCCA is founded by a group of women entrepreneurs who have united their businesses and strengths to assist others in their walk to becoming self-reliant. Collectively, these women have over 25 years’ experience selling their products to the gun industry, primarily women.  This alliance creates a resource for ladies looking for empowerment, support, encouragement and products as each one blossoms to be who they were created to be with confidence.

“We each started our small businesses to help women in crisis.  And now we want to combine forces to not only encourage more women to learn about personal safety but also provide them with the proper resources,” said Marilyn Smolenski.

“Through this partnership, we plan to reach more women, provide more resources, create a community and support for women in their endeavor for real solutions,” said Jan Wolbrecht.  The WCCA includes six established women-owned businesses including Packin’ Neat (Kristen Franke), Cute & Cocky (Nikkita Gordon), Hiding Hilda (Dawn Hillyer), Nickel & Lace (Marilyn Smolenski), Dark Alley Denim (Joelle Orem) and Incognito Wear IX (Jan Wolbrecht). 

“From first-hand experiences, we know the struggles of finding women-specific concealed carry options.  Why not supply these options in one place and allow these industry leaders to share personal experience and insight,” stated Kristen Franke.

The Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance is a collaboration of women in the firearm’s industry.  Real women who created businesses solving the unique challenges they faced in their own lives for concealing a firearm and or protecting themselves and loved ones. Joining forces, these female-focused companies have partnered to launch the Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance.  It’s a collaboration with a focus on bringing high quality concealed carry solutions. Look for more from the Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance.

“Come join us in this mission, sign up today!” It’s FREE!

Website Link: WCCALLIANCE.COM <>

PR Contact:  Kristen Franke, Packin’ Neat