Spring Fling 2020

Spring Fling 2020

Spring fling 2020  3/9/20

I don’t know where you live but for us here in Georgia, this winter was not typical. That makes me happy and I’m not complaining about this year’s cold weather. Spring / Summer makes a happy place for me 🙂

I know for me and I bet you as well, warmer weather can be more of a dressing dilemma when it comes to concealed carry. Besides dealing with the heat, Lighter weight fabrics and less layers are big culprits to this dilemma.

So, are you are excited about spring or dreading it? We’re giving you some of the ideal colors to shop for this spring / summer season to have you looking you’re best and some tips to stay cool while carrying.

Here’s a verbal explanation of what this spring’s color palette is about – “Displaying an element of natural sophistication and versatility, this season’s core hues serve as singular color statements or as a foundation for playful color contrasts”.

My interpretation is more solid colors (or small prints) and adding a punch of color accents.

Look for these colors to be blooming this Spring

One bold pop of color this spring is called ‘Flamed Scarlet’ and is a bit of an orange-red color. We feel you’ll be right in style with our red Lion+Lamb. We use a soft, stretch knit with 3/4 sleeves, which is perfect length to cover part of your arms but not too hot. Look to pair and contrast this Flamed Scarlet with blues to greens and yellow colors.

The coral pink in our floral Lion tank is right on que for a warm, welcoming embrace to warmer weather and the soft yellow background invites complete happiness ? of the upcoming season. Our “Lion” tank top is a lightweight fabric and layered with a cotton button up shirt. Wear it either with a few bottom buttons buttoned or tie up the ends to create fullness around your firearm. Of course, when the temperatures rise, roll up the sleeves. I love this look with cropped khaki pants. Stay cool with cotton or linen fabrics.

Floral Lion tank top, special opening for firearm, holsters, pink, peach, green, spring

You’ll see plenty of coral and Biscay green elements very soon if not already. These colors are especially pleasant together.

Fashion Week

Deep Navy and white are pretty universal color staples and are going to be more front and center this spring season. It’s a classic. You will see a come back of the suit look and more blazers, although they’ll be boxy than tailored styling. This is a nice look for the office, teachers, churches and working professionals who carry concealed firearms for personal safety. Look for linen jackets, chambray and cottons that speak of spring. Easter will be upon us soon.

 This silvery gray color with a touch of taupe, is timeless and expresses strength and matches the feeling and message of our gray Lion + Lamb, the original crossover concealment top. Don’t be fooled by the others. Because of LION + LAMB is two pieces, you can use a white shirt holster or our 505 Tank Top Holster and carry under the arm with the LAMB outer wrap. Another way to be totally chic and armed.

Spring Neutrals for 2020

Of course, whatever color is your favorite, it’s sure to go perfectly with your firearm! So wear what makes you happy. Remember to stay away from tight fitting and clingy tops.

We want you to feel confident in what you wear and help you ease your morning routine by providing clothing that you’ll look and feel great in and know you can be armed. Our garments give your wardrobe staples without the worry of your firearm printing through your clothing.

Our garments are Made in America and are lightweight fabrics. Remember ,the use of prints, stripes, and floral works well in disguising your firearm. Look for added features like knots and pleats to help minimize printing of your firearm. We have several flowy tunic tops with details that will give you confidence of keeping your firearm undercover.

Be armed, be fashionable and be Incognito! Now, Hello Spring!


P.S. We’re launch our Incognito Wear IX YouTube Channel- Please subscribe and share.


What is this #IWIX thing? I don’t really get it? Why do I need special clothing to Concealed Carry?


For me, it was my first time carrying on body. But first, how did I arrive at this idea?

I took the basic courses and joined a lady’s group at my range to learn more about shooting and carrying concealed. There are options for women who want to carry a concealed handgun, only what I found were mostly for in-purse carry; or for first responders, and the typical tactical clothing or “shooting” clothes.

I already felt like there was a neon sign above my head flashing “she’s got a gun”! I didn’t want my clothes to say it either! The whole idea about concealed carry is that you’re hiding in plain sight, right? i.e. to be “INCOGNITO”. Wala!

Oh, I’d carry a gun in a purse, but that got heavy. And I would have to be very careful about where I set my purse down and worry about someone else going through it, finding it and discovering a gun. Fortunately, my children were young adults and I didn’t have to worry about that aspect. But many do, and should be concerned about what they do or where they leave their purse if they are carrying a gun in it. Or for that matter, if it gets stolen!

So, I spent several hours looking through my closet, finding nothing to wear.

concealed carry clothes, tops, bottoms, jeans, pants, dress, gun, firearms

What do you wear to hide a gun or how do you dress around a firearm? This was so new to me and no one really talked about what kind of clothes you needed to shop for in order to keep this ‘thing’ hidden but readily accessible.

So, off I went to the mall. But this time, I really didn’t need the excuse that I don’t have “anything to wear”. Not that my husband would have minded. Women love to shop, it’s really a social thing for us. My goal was to find clothing that was fashionable, but would also discreetly concealed a handgun. There just wasn’t anything suitable. I shopped online – Again, not much there in the way of clothing.

In my women’s shooting group class, I heard several women talking about having to work late or travel and some scary scenarios they might encounter – and what to do; how to respond – just in case. Of course, first and foremost is learning how to be situational aware of your surrounding environment.

I wonder, just how do you carry a gun in a dress?

I mean, you’re a working professional, executive, business women with a need to be fashionable and well dressed…And to be able to protect/defend yourself if something horrible arose.













I contemplated about what kind of clothes that would fit this need.  The need to have work clothes for one, and two, clothing perfect for concealment of a firearm that (I) would feel that my gun wouldn’t print (through). You know, to make choosing something to wear easy; to pick out clothing to go with my gun. The goal in all of this would be to provide some type of clothing to remove any hassle of dressing for concealment, to empower you for every day carry. Surely, picking out something to wear shouldn’t take 30 or more minutes.


So, I think of it in terms of finding that perfect necklace, pair of earrings, or shoes that make the outfit – complete. That thing that makes you feel as good as you look! We are all want to feel beautiful, and be stylish with or without our gun.

This adds a whole new dimension to making a fashion statement.

Concealed carry is more than just being able to defend your life or that of another human being. We recognize the danger and power of carrying a loaded firearm, and what could happen if we are forced to defend our self, draw it, or even fire it. The rights given to us by the 2nd Amendment aren’t taken lightly, but with the utmost of respect.

For those who don’t get this whole gun tote’n thing, it’s not the law-abiding folks that you ought to be concerned about, but the one who don’t respect the law and authority.

Just because some people don’t swim, they don’t know how to, or were never taught, doesn’t mean that swimmers shouldn’t have specialized clothing. Bathing suits or swimsuits are specialized garments. Just because you may not want to swim doesn’t mean a swimsuit shouldn’t be made available for those who do.

There are an awful lot of people who love to swim and need swimsuits!

The same is true for those who believe in the 2nd Amendment, and want to concealed carry. They need specialized clothing too.

So, this is how Incognito Wear IX came about. I set out to make some specialized clothes – casual tops, Maxi dress (that’s perfect for spring) and a professional work-wear dress giving 3 optional carry positions, a patterned tunic top, and soon to be developing pants and jeans. Even though men’s regularly available clothing is easier to conceal in, they too need specialized clothing. We are providing new clothing options for the concealed carrier that hasn’t been available- and especially for a growing group of women who are getting their concealed carry permits and carry on a regular basis.

We’d love to hear from you and how you carry or what obstacles you have overcome in order to protect yourself and loved ones in exercising your 2nd Amendment rights. Connect with us on social media: facebook, instagram, twitter, pintrest