It’s bigger in Texas

It’s bigger in Texas


you’ve heard it said before, Everything is bigger in Texas!

Well, start making plans to attend this year’s NRA Annual Meetings and Expo in Houston, Tx. over Memorial Weekend. What  a great time it will be!

Enjoy the long weekend at the end of May (May 27-29, 2022) looking at firearms, concealed carry gear, clothing and everything related to home defense, and personal safety all under one roof!

Lot’s of informative seminars to help you on your journey to protecting your loved ones. Remember, we are on a never ending journey. Always learning, always training, always being safe.

We’ve all been missing these in person events. Now is time to make your plans to be in Houston. Check out our American Made concealment clothing in booth #2759.

We can’t wait to see all your faces in person.

I’ll be highlighting my newest concealment designs. I can’t wait to See ya there!

Look out Texas, Here we come!

Booth #1809

Hoot! Hoot! Here’s whats coming up soon.

We’ll be soaring soon for the NRA Personal Protection Expo  (Sep. 6-8, 2019) – Booth #1809

If you’ve been “meaning to” learn about firearms and your safety – this is the place to be. Not only will you have the best of the best of instructors teaching but hundreds of vendors supplying everything you would need from clothing, gadgets and tools, firearms, ammo – even an opportunity to shoot on a live fire range – all in one place!

It’s never too late to learn to shoot. Learning to operate a firearm will give you confidence and skills for survival. Becoming educated about firearms gives you knowledge and an understanding of Gun Safety. Gun safety is critical and so important to pass on to others. Whether it be for hunting, shooting sports (for fun and it reduces stress), or self-defense and personal protection. It’s important to pass this precious right to bear arms on to the next generation.

There is value in passing skills on to the next generation. Hunting is a great way to grow a friendship. Many life lessons happen around a campfire (after the hunt). Hunters are ethical and play a huge role in maintaining the health of herds of wild animals – deer, duck, turkey, etc.

As August – National Shooting Sports Month draws to a close, check your local range for special events for introducing someone new to the exciting sport of firearms. It may save someone’s life!

You’re timing is great, because in a less than 2 weeks, is a fun filled packed weekend to give you all the information from the best of the best in the firearms industry at the Personal Protection Expo in Ft. Worth. See you in booth #1809! 🙂

In case you are traveling to Texas, as I am, here’s some things to note regarding Texas gun /concealed carry laws. Always research ahead of a destination.

According to US Concealed Carry, “you may Open carry or concealed carry with a Texas License to Carry (LTC) or a concealed carry license/permit from a state with reciprocity, provided the handgun is in a shoulder or belt holster. The minimum age is 21 years old or 18 years old for active-duty military. Some areas are off-limits, including racetracks and secure areas of airports.” 

What you need to know about carrying in Texas, besides they love their guns:

1.Texas is a Castle Doctrine and “stand your ground” state

2.You can carry most places, unless specifically stated; including bars.

3. Knives 5.5″ long are allowed nearly everywhere

Pack ’em up and we’ll see you on Friday Sep 6 for a spectacular event of concealed carry fashion show! Don’t miss this event for tips and secrets on how to concealed carry with style.