Holiday Shopping and Safety Tips

Holiday Shopping and Safety Tips

As we anticipate the busiest shopping season; we also understand that the crime rates will increase. In recent pasts, we see spikes in “Porch Pirates” as we find ourselves shopping more online for ease and convenience not to mention it’s always open no matter what our personal shopping hours might be.

So what can we do to minimize a Grinch encounter, that is avoid becoming a victim to theft?

Whether your out and about shopping in person or packages pile up at your front door, there are some things to consider to protect yourself and your purchases.

  • If ordering online, check with neighbor who may be home, or work from home, and can watch or collect your deliveries for you. This is  important if you’re going to be away for several days.
  • Consider having packages shipped to your place of work, or a trusted friend’s place if possible.
  • Have lights on a timer, so your home looks like you’re home. I recently found a voice activated light (I found one at Walgreens) which I’ll place in a room near the front door or our back door. Since it’s activated by sound, it’s irregularity is more organic.
  • Keep doors locked and garage door closed as much as possible.

I imagine you’re envisioning scenes from famous Christmas movies about now, such as Home Alone.

If shopping at your local department stores or in person, be aware of those around you.

  • Do you keep seeing the same person/people no matter where you go within the store and a second shop (specially at Malls).
  • Keep your credit card number close to you until asked for it. Remember, most stores have security cameras and if you plop your credit card out (on the counter) are the numbers showing so anyone can see it (or can take a picture of the numbers)?
  • Consider using a RFID credit card wallet to avoid being skimmed. It can happen so why not take the necessary precautions?
  • Again, when shopping at malls, be aware of who’s around you and where you’re parking.
  • Trust you instinct, trust your body! If something doesn’t FEEL right, just go with it! It doesn’t matter if you feel foolish for it. Better safe than not, right? That feeling IS your body’s way of protecting you. Our minds can’t often determine what might be harmful, but our gut can.
  • Watch your packages;  hold on to your packages. Don’t make multiple runs to your car to “drop off” your bags and return to shop for the rest  of the items. If you go out to your vehicle; plan to leave with what you have for that shopping excursion. Yes, others may be waiting in the parking lot for someone just like you- dropping gifts off in an empty car and being “abandoned” for the next hour or so.

 How to be proactive at home.

  • If your Christmas tree is in the front window, don’t put packages under the tree until the last minute. Your Christmas tree is already a signal to criminals for “free goodies”. Don’t show them what they are missing by having everything under the tree.
  • Do you realize how easy it is to see inside of your home with all the lights on? Close your blinds, drapery, window coverings at night.
  • Turn on outdoor lights, especially around places where one might want to hide. Understand that your entry ways are the most vulnerable for attacks, and where the bad guy lurks.
  • Back up into your driveway when unloading packages. This prevents noisy neighbors, or criminals, from seeing your gifts. I’ve done this and it is a powerful feeling of being in control.

Whatever holiday you’re celebrating, we hope these tips will ensure it’s one that brings you and your loved ones much joy!

Stay Safe. XO

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022


Not only do we sell concealed carry clothing, purses and holsters, but jewelry so you’re dressed to impress and protect!
Concealing a firearm changes the way, women in particular, have to dress. Those living a lifestyle of being situational aware and trusting themselves for their self protection and responsibility for self defense,want to be seen as a”normal Jane or Joe Doe”.
Stay with me here, what I’m saying is that those who concealed carry (for their safety and that of their loved ones) are being self reliant and responsible AND they want to hide in plain sight. They want to be practical in their dress; not tactical!
That’s what I create at Incognito Wear IX.
Making it easy to get dressed; to be stylish and fashionable without looking like it OR taking Forever in trying to find something to wear because we want to protect ourselves.
I invite you to explore all of our American – Made clothing, American made holsters and fashion accessories at
It’s the best time of the Year! Black Friday Sale

It’s the best time of the Year! Black Friday Sale

It’s the best time of the year!

There’s sooo many reasons to love this time of the year!

For starters, lets say the Clothing While I’m not a fan of cold weather, I do like to see all the new sweaters and winter items. From great boots and legging, corduroy and let’s not forgot about the holiday festive dresses.

If you’re a new gun owner and considering about learning, or rather getting used to the idea of  carrying, you’re going to love this time of the year!

Winter and cold weather clothing make it very easy to begin this new journey. The style, the thickness of fabrics naturally hide the firearm from others being able to notice it.

Another reason to love this time of the year, is BLACK FRIDAY SALES!

I’d like to take this time to encourage you to buy from small business, yes, even Incognito Wear IX. This year our Black Friday is a throw back to tradition. ONE DAY DEALS- FRIDAY! …UNLESS, you get on our the Early Access list.

As we look to support others at this giving season, let’s remember to support those who give back, to your community and buy from small businesses.

Personally, I love helping you feel confident about protecting your life. I love that my clothing helps you do it, without looking like you are carrying. Clothing that’s practical; not Tactical. I love making Clothing and holsters that are Made in America. I love supporting American workers.

I love this season! I love the food. I love Hallmark Christmas movies. I love celebrating the Birth of Jesus, my Savior. I love spending time with friends and family.

Enjoy the season. Stay focused. As wonderful as this time of year is, there are others out there looking for an easy victim. Make sure you aren’t one but staying alert, aware and don’t leave valuables visible in you car.

Keep your doors (car, home) locked.

Be stylish, armed and incognito. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Visit and add your name to our early access list to shop on Thanksgiving Day!

Last Minute Gift Ideas

Last Minute Gift Ideas

It’s the week of Christmas and you suddenly realize you need to get that special someone a(nother) gift.

Now, I’m not saying that you (are?) procrastinated…. but you suddenly realized there’s not enough time for shipping (if you do order, not much faith that it arrives before Christmas).

What can you do?

  • Gift Cards!  Incognito Wear IX, we’ve got what shooters want. Functional Fashion, bellyband holster with built in trigger guard, jewelry, concealed carry  purses and other self defense tools to keep you safe.

Buy, download and Send to your loved one. Bam! Best gift ever! You loved one can shop for what they want and you don’t have to worry about the size.

  • Hand-made Gift as another wonderful option that shouldn’t be overlooked.
  • Food – baked / cooked goodie,
  • pretty artwork
  • or favorite photograph(s)
  • Write a letter or short story / poem

With love in your heart, any of these touching gifts with bring joy this Holiday season.

Personally, I’m a photo junkie. Since my grown children live in other states, getting photos from them lights up my heart. I think most mothers (and grandmoms) enjoy current photos of loved ones.

If you’re looking for something quick, something from the heart is always a winner.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Family Thanksgiving

Can you believe it’s this time of the year already! We are preparing for our holidays sales events – the best of the year!

thanksgiving sale, shopping, great deal, sale, come early, stay late, shop to you drop

We wish you the best as you come together with family and friends to celebrate your traditions and maybe start new ones. I come from a fairly large family of three sisters. It’s hard getting family together some times, and traveling can add on stress. This year, our “core family” tradition is melding to accommodate the growing extended family – adding a son in law and grandchildren.

A favorite tradition for my sister and I was spreading out the Thanksgiving Day paper and making our Christmas lists.

As we got older, The Thanksgiving Day paper became our shopping list for Christmas. My sister’s and I would develop a plan ,going in opposite directions or different anchor big box stores, and help each other get the coveted holiday toy And, the best BLACK FRIDAY DEALS AND DOOR BUSTERS to save money!

If you Sign up for our emails, you won’t miss out on any specials this holiday season. We have some great gift ideas and prices you’ll love.

Weekly promos will be coming your way! Follow us on our social platforms too!

and a true BLACK FRIDAY / CYBER MONDAY SALE – 4 days only on our Lion+Lamb best selling women’s concealed carry top.

This holiday season you’ll be the best dressed and armed!

RE- defining Concealed carry clothing. Incognito Wear IX.