Snow Day in the South = Sale!

Snow Day in the South = Sale!

  • Take advantage of the SNOWDAY & save on your Safety!   Savings across the site on gear to keep you safe. Use savings code [Snowday] for 10% off PLUS free shipping. Exclusions apply.

Save on safety tools like pepper spray and ccw purses. When carrying on body, our American made clothing keeps your firearm from imprinting – a win-win combo!

Supporting American Manufacturing, American workers and American right to bear arms. This sale only lasts with the snow – 48 hours. January 10- January 12, 2025. Shop Now at  Incognito Wear IX

  • Exclusions apply. Tarnkappe Gear and Packin Neat not included in sale. Don’t let this sale and savings melt. Shop now at Incognito Wear IX
Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022


Not only do we sell concealed carry clothing, purses and holsters, but jewelry so you’re dressed to impress and protect!
Concealing a firearm changes the way, women in particular, have to dress. Those living a lifestyle of being situational aware and trusting themselves for their self protection and responsibility for self defense,want to be seen as a”normal Jane or Joe Doe”.
Stay with me here, what I’m saying is that those who concealed carry (for their safety and that of their loved ones) are being self reliant and responsible AND they want to hide in plain sight. They want to be practical in their dress; not tactical!
That’s what I create at Incognito Wear IX.
Making it easy to get dressed; to be stylish and fashionable without looking like it OR taking Forever in trying to find something to wear because we want to protect ourselves.
I invite you to explore all of our American – Made clothing, American made holsters and fashion accessories at

See Lion + Lion Review by Gun Owner’s Radio

Sometimes it’s difficult for women to conceal carry. Watch Melissa Lee’s review of Incognito Wear IX’s Lion + Lamb womens’ concealment top, with SPECIAL GUEST MODEL Amy Dillon.
Stylish, comfortable, and concealed.

Find more concealment solutions at Incognito Wear IX’s website:

Excerpt from Episode #283 Jan.9th, 2022

Quarantine Lifted? Spring back to Normalcy and Celebrate … family and Mother’s Day.

Quarantine Lifted? Spring back to Normalcy and Celebrate … family and Mother’s Day.

I think we’re all ready for life to return to normal as we head into spring and look forward to summertime fun.  I know you missed your loved ones and heartbroken to have missed out on the many family events or celebrations over the past month or so, me too!

As our country begins to open up, Let’s get back to normal or perhaps a better you. Did you get the down time; the “rest and relaxation” you needed?

Family seems more important these days as “absence makes the heart grow fonder” rings true. Perhaps, you’re finding the silver lining of this quarantine to really spend quality time with your kids and family.

I know it’s been a rough few weeks, okay, maybe it feels like forever!

What did you do to get the most out of being at home? Are you still adjusting to working from home with your children underfoot….and being teacher, Principal and a Chef!

Do you feel like you’re running your own restaurant! There have been so many super hero stories of people helping people, neighbors helping neighbors.

As we move closure to May and Mother’s Day, I hope it will be extra special this year!

You need a big hug! You have done an amazing job getting through… and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Kinda symbolic, don’t you think? Right after Easter, the Spring Season and all?

Is it too early to think about Mother’s Day? It will be the first national holiday we can (of course, carefully following guidelines) get together – with friends, loved ones and party!

Mother’s Day 5/10/20

If you think Mom has everything and you have no idea how to make this day special, I’ve gotcha some help!

Nothing saves “I love you” like pictures! So, if you can’t think of a single thing, and we’ve got ideas in the photo below, remember Mom loves photographs of her children. (ok, I certainly do! – hint hint!)

So this list might have first been thought of for Christmas, but these are great ideas for Mom – for any occasion! I would also add our clothes, and accessories. Of course, teaching your mother how to save and defend her life is “priceless”. Our clothes will have Mom in style whether she carries a firearm or pepper spray, she’ll never be a victim.

101 Gift Giving Ideas for Mom

I’m guessing these past few weeks have really made you more aware of how you can best protect your family Take comfort in that you’re not alone. If you one of the many new gun owners since this virus invaded us, you appreciate the 2nd Amendment more and the sense of empowerment this new found skill gives you. Now that you’ve realized that you are the “First Responder” to your situation, I urge you to keep up with the practice and the training.

I’m a founding member of The Women’s Concealed Carry Alliance; all things women and concealed carry.   In today’s world, women desire options for everyday concealed carry.  To meet the need, these entrepreneurial women have stepped up to solve the need for real options.  That’s where the WCCA comes in, to provide one reliable source to find all those carry options, and meet the women behind the designs.  About WCCA

Here’s a graphic of other valuable resources to check out.

If this isn’t you, I urge you to think about this reality and to empower others. Learning to drive a car at 16, gave you a great sense of freedom, independence and empowerment. Being able to defend your life can give you so much more. There are a lot of options from guns / firearms to pepper spray, stun gun, striking tools and more.

Damsel in Defense products for non-lethal self defense. Independent Pro28393

This Mother’s Day, honor MOM by teaching her situational awareness and the ability to defend her life. After all, you wouldn’t be here without Mom.

Join our community! Become a Parliament member of concealed carry lifestyle. (By the way, a group of owls is called a Parliament- don’t worry). Sign up to get First notice of specials and priority shopping.