Incognito Wear IX is the pioneer in changing how women carry a concealed weapon discreetly.
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How do women dress around a firearm?

How do women dress around a firearm?

Incognito Wear IX understands the anxiety of beginning to concealed carry and thus, a business was born to help you become successful in being a lady and armed for self defense.

Check out the 1st Annual Gun Owners of America G.O.A.L.S. convention tour of Incognito Wear IX booth.

This was an impromptu interview with YouTube Channel Unloaded Media with Rich and his wife. They were intrigued with my concealed carrywear for Ladies and excited to find that the clothing and holster were American made!

We are blessed to have our Second Amendment rights! It seems natural that we’d support American Workers and our country.

Protect yourself by carrying self defense tools. Our clothing is designed by a woman who understands your struggles to dress around a firearm, successfully and still look like a lady.

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It’s no doubt that women face more obstacles when it comes to dressing around your firearm; our clothes save you time and hassle. Our garments minimize printing so you can look like a lady while being armed.

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