LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES… Learning to be Grateful
A new decade dawns. Say good-bye to 2019 – HELLO 2020! |
Gratitude can soothe the soul. Gratitude helps remind yourself of the things that truly matter, for us at Incognito Wear IX, we are grateful for YOU! “Thank you” for all the support you’ve shown us this past year. The Christmas season has a way of making me filled with gratitude and hope, and big dreams for 2020. It’s going to be a big year!…Politically and otherwise. A “Gratitude List” is a wonderful way to shift the focus off of self and on to others. At the core of Incognito Wear IX, is you. We want to walk beside you on your concealed carry journey. Carrying on body does change your wardrobe and we give you clothing to empower you. As we forge this new decade, let us not forget to be grateful for the 2nd Amendment and the right to defend yourself. However, we better stand up and fight to keep it. I’m Grateful, that Women are the fastest growing demographic in the firearm industry! I’m grateful to know we’re not alone in this! I’m grateful for the gift of creativity. I need your feedback to develop better solutions in concealment clothing to help others as they come beside us. Don’t you agree, It’s better to have a weapon to defend yourself and not need it; than to need one and have No way to defend yourself. We’re Grateful you found us and to be able to create women’s concealed carry clothing that let’s you feel feminine, confident, armed while remaining incognito. These are the things that are on my list that I’ll focus on this year. Along with being grateful for each of you, this years goal is to be more grateful for my life, for my children, still hoping to hear from my oldest child (it’s been nearly 14 yrs) and to focus more on my health. Let’s reap the many benefits of making and reflecting on a Gratitude List. They say it can actually put you in a better mood and increase your energy. I can’t wait for that! So, Let’s start this year off right. Let’s start our list by being grateful for what we DO have in our lives. I’m looking to develop a stronger feeling of connection to and solidarity with you, and our Second Amendment community. Experts say, the act of making a Gratitude List will improve your outlook on life, will give you benefits such as less anxiety and better sleep. (I find knowing how to shoot, and having a firearm and the ability to defend myself does as well). Thank you for letting us be a part of your life. Let us know what you’d like to know more of. BE GRATEFUL not only for THIS SEASON, but all year. Keeping you armed in style & Incognito! Hope your New Year it the best ever! Here’s to 2020 XO, |