Let’s make this the year to Thrive and not just Survive.
Let’s become the best we can be! Like believing in ourselves to learn a new skill for survival.
Did you get everything you wanted for the holidays? Maybe you got a new firearm…
Over the course of the next few months, I’m going to share with you some of my mistakes as I became another statistic, due to my husbands’ urging.
I became another female entering into the firearms industry. Another female learning to shoot and another woman applying for a concealed carry weapons permit (CCWP).
Why did my husband urge me to learn to shoot and why he bought me a pistol? In a word, SAFETY.
He knew he couldn’t be with me all the time, and no one can predict when a crime is going to happen.
Your local gun range is a great place to seek training; understanding the gun safety laws and a safe environment in which to do so. Yes, it can be a bit scary at first, but so was driving a car for the first time (remember?).
Did you select your firearm? I ask this to help guide you and keep you from the same mistakes that I tripped over on my journey.
Naturally, my husband wanted the best for me – most powerful “stop the threat” firearm I could muster. Everything sounded good, felt good in my hand, seemed to be manageable…
Then reality. After a few trips to the gun range for practice, frustrations mounting due to many malfunctions, I realized what was happening.
Did you shoot your gun before buying it? In hindsight, this would have been most helpful. Take it from me, if you are looking to purchase a pistol, especially for self-protection, rent the model at a range and make sure it fits – you.
You see, I have a disability – very small hands and short fingers. Reaching the trigger without breaking my wrist is difficult (for me) with most firearms. (This is known as limp wrist).
I recently also discovered that growing up riding horse (where you HAVE to keep your wrist soft) is playing into this handicap on a subconscious level.
Stay tuned for more –